I Was Like a Piggie I Was Stuck Gonna Live Again Somehow Miracle Lyric

He felt devastated and fell asleep from the tire. The last thing he remembered, was listening to Adele's song "Set the fire to the rain"

Yeah, it was one of her favorites. Saber knew it, and he started to understand clearly the meaning of the lyric behind the voice.

It was all about emotions. Not so good ones, but true. But now Gillian was gone with the wind.

The sun was shining through the window.

It was probably around the afternoon. Saber had a powerful headache. "Too much alcohol," he thought, but it wasn't from it.

Saber stood before his latest painting. It was dark and seemed somehow bloody. It was near his bed, and the bright light was on it. The picture was a portrait of her. He called Gillian his muse sometimes

The man went to the bathroom and washed his face twice. His eyes opened, and he became soberer. He looked in the mirror and accidentally fell on the floor.

Later he found himself on the hospital bed. Saber opened his eyes a little and looked around. People with white clothes were moving around him.

"Doctors" – he thought, "I hate them" – and his sight went foggy. He slept again, hearing voices around him that he was in critical condition – Overdosed with heroin.

Saber woke up and stood in a dark tunnel that moved. On the walls were his paintings. The faces in them smiled at him. It was dark and wet. He wore strange clothes in abstract forms.

Where was he?

He walked on something like a road with steam all around it. The figures of his paintings began to go out of the walls and stopped before him with grinning faces. Somehow grotesque. He did not pay any attention to them and walked on.

Saber began to hear loud laughs. Different shadows moved and danced around him, speaking some unknown language.

Was he going insane?

Saber swayed his head and covered his ears. He continued to walk.

Saber began to hear loud laughs. Different shadows moved and danced around him, speaking some unknown language. Was he going insane?

Saber swayed his head and covered his ears. He continued to walk.

Before his eyes, the madly dancing shadows did strange movements. He had strong willpower, and he knew that these were only illusions.

Between the shadows, he recognized some old friends who were already dead. He could be dead too.

Was this the journey to hell?

Saber wasn't religious at all, but sometimes he thought something like Hell or Paradise could exist.

Those friends stopped before him and tried to speak to him, but he didn't hear them. He decided to put his hands down and listened to the words.

Steven was his best friend when Saber was younger. The man was murdered in one street fight, protecting Saber.

"We are brothers," said Steven in his last minutes. They weren't biological brothers, but they were family – more realistic than his parents and sister. Saber felt that the fault of Steven's death is his.

– It is not what you think – told Steven's shadow with a gentle smile. His face was glowing in transparent light, which color was whiter when he looked at it. – I decided to save you than myself. I am a sinner, you know.

– And so am I – answered Saber.

– But your heart is pure, and you haven't killed anyone in your life – answered the shadow that becomes whiter with every word

– I think I should join you in this place, and we will be together again. It's fair this way – told Saber.

– It is not, and I don't have much more time. On the edge of your existence, you should let me go and fight for your life once again. Let go of the guilt and painful memories in your heart. Only this way, I will be free, and you know I always wanted that. – The shadow began to fade away – let me rest in peace and not be stuck into this subway. Forgive yourself, I beg you.

– But what will I do without you? I often dreamed of our joyful moments, and they gave me strength. – Saber knew he was sober at the moment, and tears began to fill his eyes.

– You will live once again. It's not your time to go here now – smiled Steven – Don't forget you're an extraordinary person with an innocent heart. You have to live once again for yourself and me. I have to leave now. Please let me go and remember me.

– If I let you go, a part of me will die. – whined Saber.

– It will die and will be reborn again from our memories. Now I really should leave. Let me go! – Steven's shadow became like a puzzle of small stars that let the light through them.

– Okay, brother, I let you go and will remember you. That is the only thing I can do for gratitude toward myself. – Steven's tears fell on the floor in this dark passageway. When they fell, the flowers began to bloom in the wet place.

"The power of true love," Saber thought. "So it is a real saying, I see" – he wiped his eyes and looked for a minute at his hands. They began to become transparent on the fingers.

"Maybe I also don't have too much time" – but he continued to move over the small field of flowers toward the darker parts in the dark tunnel.

The dance of shadows continued. They were somehow unknown.

Saber wondered what happened with Gillian, and he wanted to remember why he overdosed with heroin. He usually didn't take much of it, but he had too many white spots in his memory. Saber wished to see Gillian and ask what was happening.

Why did she suddenly disappear?

Saber walked and continued to become more transparent. He heard more joyful laughs as they welcomed him to the dark tunnel.

"This probably is the underworld," he thought.

Was she also dead? Or was this the reflection of his latest portrait of her? The painting of her was almost like the real thing.

– Hello, my dear – smiled Gillian – I see you got overdosed. You should not proceed this way. It is a weakness, and you know I don't like to see any in tough people like you.

– What happened? – asked amazed Saber

– When, my dear? – Before or after I died? – grinned Gillian.

– You're dead? – the man was stunned on the ground without moving and knowing how to react

– Yes. I suppose I did die after we broke up. Don't you remember? – Gillian's face went gloomy – I rode in my car after that and went with the wind.

– I do not! Why did we break? Is this the reason you died? – Saber cried out.

– It's not the reason why I died, and it's not your fault. I got drunk, and one truck banged me. It's because I allowed myself to be weak. As you know, I always showed differently. And the weak are taken from the strong. – Gillian said it with tranquility in her voice. – My father always taught me this way.

– So it's my fault, Gillian! Don't release me from it! – screamed Saber.

– It is not, and stops whining! I hate to see you like this because you're more than a whining loser! – The woman got angry. – I don't hate you, but I should! How could you betrayed my love and got overdosed?? You have to act wiser and move on with your life. Your heart is pure as one of a baby. At the same time, you are as sturdy as a rock! How could you go in this state? I never liked this side of you, and it doesn't suit you.

– Why did you break up with me? – asked Saber calmly

– Because I choose my career rather than your love. I always was ambitious, but you're not – said Gillian – It was a hard decision, but I decided it based on my brain, not the heart.

– So this is how strong your love is? – grinned Saber. – Yes, I am not as ambitious as you. I am content with all I have.

– But I am not, and no matter how strong love was, I had to choose, and I did it – Gillian became transparent – Now, please let me go!

– I already did, you know? Now I see that I was the one that purely loved you, and because of that, I let you go. – said the man with pain in his voice.

– I believe you will find a better woman than me for yourself if you only open your heart once again. – Gillian became a puzzle from leaves that flew around.

– I believe I have to find myself first. – Saber said silently on the air and smell that were the only Gillian's tracks.

Saber stood silent, thinking about the situation and what he had to do from now on. His tears were falling once again.

Surprisingly, a flower's field generated by his tears under his feet on its own.

"This is why I got overdosed. It was a stupid decision of mine. That would not change anything, so I should move on." – Saber thought and grabbed his necklace.

It was Steven's present. The boy should move on because of him.

He silently promised that. Saber always fulfilled his promises. It was an honor matter for him.

Tears continued to fall on his cheeks, but he became clear-minded, and his vision too.

Saber could smell the fresh air and breathe free again. He stood on the flower's field a long time without noticing that shadows around him were gone, and smooth lighting came around his face. He felt a warm hug around his shoulders. It was his own shadow. It went into his body, and he felt whole again. In a single bit of the moment, Saber decided to move on again. He continued to walk in the tunnel that was already brighter.

Saber saw in the distance a small light. He started to run toward it. He ran as his life depended on it, and it was this way.

When he went out of the tunnel, he looked back for a while. The field of flowers and their smells were his tracks. He was amazed by the beauty of this view.

Before his sight, there was a clear blue sky and beautiful roads with trees and grass. Modest houses, built on the ground, showed up, and a good smell came from them.

Then Saber heard his voice: "This is your soul now. Without regrets and faults. There is pain, but this is always the path toward a better life".

Everything went black. Saber heard weird voices: "He is coming back. This is a miracle", and after a while, he opened his eyes slowly. He was in the hospital.

On his side were Valery – a friend he knew for a while, his parents and Diman, who was current Saber's best friend. His phone started to ring hard. Some different and unknown persons called him to ask how he felt.

Once again, he was alive – inside and out. That time it was for himself, and in the name of people, he remembered.

In the next few months, he went to a hospital for healing drug dependence. His stay there was six months.

Then he became sober from every single temptation to use some drug. He started to have a healthy life.

Saber still felt the pain from the myriad losses in his past. But he began to live once again for himself, remembering people that were by his side long ago.

There is always a light after the darkest hour.


The original is on Wattpad. That is one of my first stories and the most popular of my works on the platform I used before.

The readers found themselves again after reading it and forgave themselves. I am proud I have written that story. I re-worked it a bit before posting it here.

It was based on my experience with a person that tried to kill himself and one who used drugs.

Recommended 2 Simily Snaps Published in Drama, Fiction, Romance, Self-Help


Source: https://simily.co/all-stories/fiction/strandedmoon/once-again/

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